Description of the loan_default dataset. 1. Name : Loan_default dataset 2. Number of Variables for loan_defaut:16 (13 numerical, 3 categorical) 3. Description of Variables for loan_default dataset. Variable 1: Checking _Amount (Numeric) Variable 2: Term (displayed in months (Numeric)) Variable 3: Credit_score(Numeric) Variable 4: Gender (Categorical) Variable 5: Marital_status(Categorical) Variable 6: Car_loan(1- Own car loan, 0- Does not own car loan – Numeric) Variable 7: Personal_loan(1- Own Personal loan, 0- Does not own Personal loan – Numeric) Variable 8: Home_loan(1- Own Home loan, 0- Does not own Home loan – Numeric) Variable 9: Education_loan(1- Own Education loan, 0- Does not own Education loan – Numeric) Variable 10: Emp_status(Categorical) Variable 11: Amount(Numeric) Variable 12: Saving_amoun(Numeric) Variable 13: Emp_duration(which is displayed in months (Numeric)) Variable 14: Age (which is displayed in years (Numeric)) Variable 15: No_of_credit_account(Numeric) Default is target Variable in dataset where 1 displays bank loan default and 0 displays bank loan non default.